waiting to see if there is anything better than the UK shopto £40 psplus for a year and as ebuyer took more orders on accessories than they could supply, their on my naughty list.
We do all our xmas shopping over the year when we see specials and usually summer sales are better than black friday anyways.
Picked up a kids activity center in the shape of a car for £45 for my new nephew (he’s now 6 months old) over the summer, now if you can find them they are £100-110 even at the toyshops.
We did all the xmas wrapping today in case we get a break in the lockdown restrictions and can go round delivering all the kids presents as they are under 10 years it’s been hard on all the nieces and nephews.
We even said to the four year old girl who was getting worried that they won’t be Christmas (thanks UK media for winding everybody up) that a Christmas fairy came to the house through the…