An unreleased air vehicle from Battlefield 2042 has been discovered in the game’s code, alongside an in-game Mastery Badge. Shared on Twitter by the popular Battlefield dataminer @Temporyal, the vehicle is the SU-70 Hunter-G, which was apparently inspired by the real-life Sukhoi S-70 Hunter-B. As @Temporyal notes, “there is no guarantee that this will make it into the game.” While the vehicle was definitely planned at some point, it’s impossible to say whether it’s still planned for release, or if developer DICE decided to cut it for one reason or another.
An image of the SU-70 Hunter-G can be found embedded below.
Unreleased air vehicle in #Battlefield 2042:
SU-70 Hunter-G
The name and mastery badge design confirm speculation about this vehicle being inspired by the “Sukhoi S-70 Hunter-B”, a Russian stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV).