He’s cute, purple, and bouncy, but perhaps not the cuddliest videogame character ever committed to the medium. That is, if you mind getting purple slime all over your clothes. If you don’t mind, then hug away! BouncyBoi in Puzzle Land is out not on Xbox and PC.
In BouncyBoi in Puzzle Land you must take BouncyBoi through a variety of levels filled with all manner of brainteasers. These can be environmental puzzles, but you will also encounter numerous interesting characters on your journey. These may help or hinder, depending on how nice they are.
I wonder if Puzzle Land is anywhere near Blockland, where Pushy and Pully reside?
BouncyBoi is already a charming looking ball of slime. But he can be made even more charming by dressing him up. Choose from a variety of skins and costumes to make your perfect BouncyBoi.
This looks to be a great game to…