Platform: Nintendo Switch
Also on: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Graphite Lab
Medium: Digital
Players: 1
Online: No
It’s fitting that Kombinera has been published by Atari. It feels like one of the games that could have graced their systems back in the 1980s.
I mean, some minor changes would have to be made. The brightly-coloured visuals would probably need to be toned down a little – but given that we’re talking about 2D platformer where you control a ball, probably not significantly. Likewise, the soundtrack would probably need to be downgraded a little, but not hugely – while the score is somewhat modern-sounding ambient electronic music, it’s easy to imagine it being redone in chiptunes style without too much changing.
The gameplay, though, could easily be dropped back into the early ‘80s, and I…