It looks like PS5 download speeds are markedly faster than the last generation, which is great news for anybody who’s tired of staring at progress bars instead of playing.
In its review of the new system, US Gamer busted out the stopwatch (figuratively speaking, they probably used their phone) to compare the download times of two games on both PS4 and PS5. Disgaea 5, which weighs in at a relatively modest 6.58GB, took 10 minutes and 42 seconds to download on PS4, and only 1 minute and 58 seconds to download on PS5. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, which is 36.6GB, took 58 minutes and 34 seconds on PS4 and only 7 minutes and 1 second on PS5.
In both cases, PS5 managed to bring down those games in less than a fifth of the time with otherwise identical network conditions (in this case, a wired connection with a fiber-optic ISP). How fast your downloads will actually go will depend…